Wednesday, September 26, 2007

five things i will not eat in any circumstances

There are five things. I will not eat in any circumstance. the main things i would not eat are meats, fish, eggs,mushrooms, beaf, peproni, never eat cow beacuse it is againts my religion. in my religeon cow compare to a god. i don't eat meat beacase it is part of my belief , hinduism that we are not suppose to eat meats. we were thaught that for a long time. i won't eat fish and eggs beacuse they smell very bad. finally don't eat mushrooms beacase the taste is aweful. these are the things i won't eat in any circusmstance. i can't live without my favorite indian food.

1 comment:

John said...

Your religion plays a strong role in your life, doesn't it? It also plays a healthy role since many of the foods you don't eat are foods that scientists tell us we should not eat or eat very little of such as meat and eggs. So your religion is helping you live a healthy life.